Sunday, March 2, 2014

sing along

„Kanna mind, jõeke, oma käänuliste kallaste kaudu sinna, kus on põllumaad, mu kodused põllud, kus on metsad, mu kodused metsatukad, kus elab mu kallis ja kaunis, mu silmatera, sinisilmaline. Oh, kuis oled sa nii tumedailmeline, sa pilkane öö, kuis küll nii kiirevooluline, sa vilgas vesi, ja kuis ometi on nii lõpmata üksi tumedal taevalael kuusirp – niisamuti ootamas, nagu ootab mind tema.”

(gromko po imeni)

armastus kolme apelsini vastu

ma olen maakas lobamokk
argpükslik kidakeelne
rassist ja muidu kollanokk
glamuurselt mässumeelne
uss ihnuskoi ja kadekops
sadistlik vana raisk
ropp stiilipuhas kõrvalops
äärmiselt loll ja laisk
äkkvihaga luupaine
kuuvalgel sinu naine



süvenev ükskõiksus
südametäite viisi sõnastamata viha

ahnusetekkene ajapuudus
armetu ainsus

(teine mari)

deja vu

must lagi oli meie toal
valge vaip
silmad sinised

(esimene eesti)

oh captain my captain

When it seems you’re short of knowledge

Visit Tallinn English College

That’s my best advice to you

The house is full of girls and boys

To whom books have been their first toys

No it’s not a joke it’s true


The only thing we want: to learn

And those who don’t, we guess – they’ll burn

At least don’t get to heaven

Abundance of intelligence

Great genius and common sende

In TEC, the former „Seven“


We’re good at grammar, languages

We honour Shakespeare’s heritage

And understand his greatness

We’re just as good at chemistry

At physics, math and history

Praise talent’s beaming brightness


We’re striving all for excellence

We, future men of prominence

We, Einsteins, Shaws, da Vincis

When fertilizing daffodils

We’ll be some day or other – still

Vast progress, can’t count inches


To overcome ourselves each day

This is the price for us to say

One day the word „Remeber!“

Come join us and you’ll find out soon

That cleverness is warm like June

But ignorance – December


Long live the College, our school

It teaches us: use books as tools

Erect your monument

Make use of life, for it’s not long

Be honest and improve what’s wrong

Know: knowledge gives content


ei ole mõtet

It always seems that I’m too young
And growing up it takes so long
I never will grow up
I just get older year by year
Until I die, that’s what I fear
Yet never growing up
So slow, so stupid and naive
And no more eager to achieve
This is a rotten life
Mere contradictions there in me
I wonder if I’ll ever be
A truly happy wife

(17 aastat hiljem)


to see you every single day

and listen to the things you say

i couldn’t but endure it

’twas all because i knew how good

you really were, i understood

i’m young, i couldn’t bear it


to make me hate you – where’s the sense

and why pretend indifference

to hurt me, yes, you’ve tried it

and now you want to compensate

for being cruel, but it’s too late

you’ve hurt me, why deny it


“you’re not like all the others who

dwell here on earth, below the moon”

i thought when i first saw you

so perfect - clever, handsome, kind

i for some time was just like blind

i couldn’t but adore you


oh, all those tears i’ve cried for you

and hours spent on thoughts of you

have they all been in vain?

life seemed so beautiful to me

because you were my life, you see

you drove me quite insane


the magic power you possessed

by which i deeply was impressed

tell me, did i create it?

and every time you looked at me

i understood whats “chemistry”

the way it’s now – i hate it


then suddenly all troubles came

my life – it was no more the same

i felt i couldn’t cope

oh, god, i wished to talk to you

i thought i might get help from you

but you, you robbed my hope


and after that i didn’t care

’bout anything, i had no fear

’twas all the same for me

the biggest part of me had died

somehow i felt i always lied

when someone talked to me

(sweet sixteen)